"A workout can be hard or a workout can be long. There is no such thing as a long hard workout" -Arthur Jones (Nautilus and MedX inventor).
HIT (High-intensity training ) is a form of progressive resistance training. Not to be confused with HIIT (high-intensity interval training). We just eliminate the BS. Furthermore, our form of training is to strengthen the skeletal muscles to a greater degree. The heart, lungs, bones, etc, will join in to support the effort without the cost of over-training the system. HIT is performed in a safe productive environment characterized by a high level of effort and relatively brief and infrequent workouts, as opposed to typical training methods involving low to moderate levels of effort, multiple sets, and longer duration. Nautilus inventor Arthur Jones originally defined and popularized this form of training in the early 1980’s, often summarizing the general philosophy as “…train harder, but train briefer." Now 40 years later, our system of training is more refined, purified, safer, and more briefer than ever before.
"High-intensity strength training offers many benefits for active adults, including enhanced athletic performance, reduced risk of disease, and decreased symptoms of arthritis, diabetes, and osteoporosis." - Wayne Westcott PHD, Arthur of "Strength Training Past 50."
"High-intensity exercise BURNS a respectable amount of calories during a workout and continues to burn calories, at an elevated rate, for hours afterwards. Strength training is, without question, one of the most productive activities in which people can engage in." - Doug McGuff, M.D. Arthur of "Body by Science."
MedX Lumbar Extension. Muscles trained: Lower back
Build muscle the right way according to muscle-joint function
Reduce the risk of injury
Build bone density and slow osteoporosis
Improve flexibility with full-range movements
Improve cardio without joint-pounding aerobics
Lower blood pressure
Burn fat more efficient
Improve mobility and balance
Improve mental and cognitive functions
Relieve stress and anxiety
Improve recreational activities and sports
Eliminate lower back pain
Relieve cervical and neck ailments
Alleviate arthritis pain and discomfort